
Stanford filelib
Stanford filelib

gevents.h : This interface defines the event structure used in the graphics libraries. foreach.h : This interface provides a simple syntactic extension for iterators that makes them much easier to read.

  • Read: 19.1 (Inheritance) 19.3 (Expression Trees) filelib.h : This interface exports a standardized set of tools for working with files across various platforms.
  • Read: CS166 Slides on Disjoint Set Forest (not required related to homework extra credit for Trailblazer).
  • Read: 18.1, 18.2, 18.3 (Graph basics and representation)ġ1/13 Graphs: Minimum Spanning Tree (Prim's, Kruskal's, Disjoint Set Forest).
  • If you are running Red Hat Linux, check out the Planet.

    Stanford filelib code#

  • Wikipedia Documentation: Huffman coding (when looking at out-of-class resources, be careful to avoid looking at any detailed pseudocoe or code, which could constitute an Honor Code violation on the homework) Note: libresample and sndfile-resample (from libsamplerate) are already included in the Planet CCRMA Distribution.
  • Sample Memory problem from class (note extra parentheses needed one line of code, this pic includes the correction) Christopher Rendon, Stanford Richman, Wake Forest ‘15 Michael Riskind ‘93 Adam Robarts ‘15 Christina & Mark Alan Roberts, ‘88 Jonah Robinson, ‘15 Sean Rogers, Faculty/Staff Daniel Rohr ‘15 Gabriella Rojas ‘15 Anthony Roma ‘81 Daniel Romaine ‘15 Cara Rosenberg Gary Rosenblatt ‘15 Michael Rosenblum Daniel Rosenthal ‘15 Connor Rossner ‘15 Sally Rowland, Wake Forest ‘15.
  • 10, 12.2 - 12.3 14.3 (Memory and Linked Lists)ġ0/26 Priority Queues and Heap Data Structure
  • New! Link: Big-O Cheat Sheet (very useful quick guide).
  • New! Video: Slime Mold uses BFS-ish algorithm to solve maze.
  • Code: BoxyFractal.zip, (for binary search algorithm, see textbook Ch.
  • 7.2 (Factorial), 7.5 (Binary search), Read Ch. to Recursion, in case we have time for it)
  • Code: WordCounter.zip, ReferenceTests.zipġ0/02 Compound Containers (ADTs within ADTs) (and get a head start on Recursion if we have time).
  • Library documentation: Map, Set, Lexicon, HashMap, "filelib.h",, ,.
  • 5.4 (Map), 5.5 (Set), 5.6 (iterating over a collection), C++ File I/O
  • Video about Mouse Event Queue (mentions Game of Life assigment, which we are not doing this quarter, but your Fauxtoshop assignment also uses Mouse Events).
  • Code: FirstProgram.zip, GoStanford.zip, StringExamples.zipĠ9/25 C++ Strings and Streams, Introduction to ADTs: Vector, Grid.
  • Utility header files These headers export various utility functions, grouped thematically. This documentation has been updated for Fall Quarter 2020.

    stanford filelib

  • Library documentation: "strlib.h",, "simpio.h", The Stanford Library documentation Collection classes Each of these collections is documented in its own page, along with sample code.
  • 1-2 (Overview of C++, Functions)Ġ9/23 Transition to C++, Pass by Reference (2.5), C++ Strings and Streams 09/21 Introductions, Administrivia, Syllabus

    Stanford filelib